Nutshell Pram

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One of our very favorites, the Nutshell Pram is hard to beat and comes in two sizes – 9’6″ and the 7’7″. The 9’6″ is a joy to sail and is a great kids’ boat (IF the kids can get it away from the adults). Her wide bottom makes this boat very stable, and we’ve seen two adults load a Nutshell up with heaps of camping gear and sail out into open water for a few days of camp-cruising among the islands. Easy to build and maintain, thanks to few parts and pieces, she’s always a joy to look at.

The Nutshell Pram (9'6'), one of the world's best dinghies, sailed by two.


 Designer  Joel White
 Length and Beam  9’6″ and 4’4″
 Weight . …

Ratings Chart

 Rowing  ★★★
 Sailing  ★★★★
 Ease of Towing . …

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