Preview: A Visit with Bertram Levy – Still Building Boats at 82

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Bertram Levy reflects on his life of boatbuilding as an 82-year-old man, and shows us the “small boat with muscle” he is building from plans by Paul Gartside.

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13 Responses So Far to “A Visit with Bertram Levy – Still Building Boats at 82

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    Stephen Kessler says:

    I’ve watched this video three times now and I get a kick out of it each time. The good doctor and I seem to have followed similar life paths. I too started in medicine and left 24 years ago to attend the Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding, located in Port Townsend at that time. What a fantastic experience. I now spend my time building and repairing wooden boats and making traditional caulking mallets.

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    Eric Takakjian says:

    So enjoy seeing videos of Bertram Levy, what a treasure. Makes me smile every time. I can relate to what he says, “projects are my friends” (last video), “not a guy to go to brunch, I can get another plank on” I can just so relate to that

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    Mark Darley says:

    Proof that productive work and laughter are the best medicine!

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    Mile Wagner says:

    Vety inspiring, great passion , nothing like building a boat

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    David Barnett says:

    Great video, inspirational, many thanks! 77 year old boat builder (hope it floats) and loving it. Also hope I can go a few more years and acquire something close to these skills.

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    Chris Stask says:

    I started playing concertina after listening to Bertram years ago. Again, Bertram is an inspiration. Thank you & Bertram for the video. Looking forward to the follow-up in a year.

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    Robert Hileman says:

    We met Bertram briefly, about a year ago, in Port Townsend. I have to say he is a genuine person, the kinda guy who makes all of us want to keep making things (boats) no matter how big or small. Thanks man!! And thank you to whole off center crew for keeping the rest of us informed.

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    Art Hoban says:

    I helped raise the backbone on ABLE which was the first wooden boat I was to put my hands on. Bertram was the roommate in med school of my urologist Manley Briggs. I am alive because of both men. I’m a 25-year survivor and getting ready to ‘splash’ my Iain Oughtred TIRRIK, Anna. Bertram guided me to stop at a bookstore in Seattle for a couple of books, on my way back to Boise. I did.
    I have friends who do crosswords or jigsaw puzzles. Boatbuilding is my puzzle. Bertram is spot on describing it.
    Thank you for the interview and for both of you for reinforcing my solving my next puzzle.
    Art Hoban

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    Jonathan Steel says:

    I love this Levy guy and the designer Paul Gartside. I have boat building all in my family. We built large sailing boats in Liverpool England from c.1832 to 1856 when Unionisation and the change to iron and steel made them close. My mother was brought up till 1936 next the W. Fifes yard at Fairlie and I have our family launch from 1921 made by Fife. My Step Father was Morgan Giles eldest son.

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    John Powers says:

    “ I’m not a guy to go to brunch…..I’m thinking I could be getting a plank on.” I just love that idea.

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      Andrew Kitchen says:

      As an 84 year old still building boats, although with only a fraction of his skill, I agree completely with Bertram’s philosophy.

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    Burton Blais says:

    Oh, sir, how good it is to see a craftsman still at work in his elder years. Truly an inspiration.

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    Neil Henderson says:

    What a lovely bloke – hope I can still be building at 82. Bertram clearly loves what he is doing – know what he means when he says you wake up dreaming of part of the boat that you will do today. i solve (?) most of my issues when I walk the dog – labradors are great listeners.


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