Rob Eddy

Ship Model Craftsman/


Rob’s Biography

Rob Eddy is one of the most accomplished model builders in the United States. A native of Camden, Maine, he seems to have absorbed its maritime heritage through his pores from an early age and perhaps this, in addition to a remarkable attention to detail, is what gives his models such poignancy.

Modeling from the start

Rob has been afforded an amazing life pursuing a vocation started as a hobby in his parent’s basement. It has taken over 40 years to accumulate the tools and skills to bring the custom yacht models business to its renowned level.

Rob’s clients are deeply passionate and extremely knowledgeable about their yachts. Most have been very involved in the planning and building of their yachts and many have raced and or sailed extensively with fond memories aboard the real vessel. Many are also patrons of the arts and recognize the superb quality workmanship done at Classic Yacht Models. The models he builds today will help preserve those fond memories and also become part of yachting history.

Commissioning a real yacht to be built at a shipyard will require great patience and upwards of 80,000 to 100,000 plus man hours to build that vessel. While a small fraction of this time and relative cost is required to build a model, it still can require several thousand man hours to complete a project.

Nowhere are his talents more eloquently displayed than in his recently completed model of the Aage Nielsen cutter NORTHERN CROWN. NORTHERN CROWN is a signature boat for’s founding partners, Maynard Bray, Bill Mayher, and Ben Mendlowitz. In the more than twenty years that she was owned by Joel White, Maynard and Bill, along with their wives Anne and Caroline, served as Joel’s crew, sailing her as far as Cape Breton Island to the northeast and Bermuda to the south. When Ben first came to Brooklin to photograph wooden boats, NORTHERN CROWN was one of his earliest subjects and Joel’s early support of his art was critical to his success as a photographer.

After Bill viewed the model on display in the Camden Library, he wrote to Rob congratulating him for capturing, not only the literal truth of NORTHERN CROWN but her spirit as well. “Staring down at her model in all its perfection, I could almost picture a tiny addition of myself steering her to windward with Joel and Maynard trimming sheets. If it weren’t for spending the rest of eternity in a little glass case,” I thought to myself, “it might be a pretty good way to stay with my buddies as well as lose a bit of weight.”

Document Detailing the NORTHERN CROWN BUILD

Click here to view the complete build of NORTHERN CROWN with Rob Eddy.



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