Preview: Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

A small boat shop proprietor must be in charge of production as well as sales and customer relations. There is no reason that proficiency in building boats guarantees success or even a smooth approach in selling them. At Bryan Boatbuilding we have been lucky to work with at least twocustomers who have “forgiven us our trespasses,”  even though we hardly deserved it at the time.

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3 Responses So Far to “Learning from Experience; My Biggest Disaster and What it Taught Me.

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    Dirk Faegre says:

    I once had David Brower (of Friends of the Earth fame) staying overnight at my house in Madison Wisconsin … a 1900 vintage 2-story. In the morning I heard some strange rattling from upstairs and went to investigate … seemed to be coming from the bathroom. As it turned out the elderly door latch had failed and David was stuck in there. Ooops. I can’t recall exactly how we got him out but I think it involved removing the door. Very embarrassing but he handled it with aplomb. He was great guy and is missed.

  • David Tew

    David Tew says:

    That was a nice boat. Where did she end up going?