Preview: Some Great Old Sailing Photos: 18-Footers Sailing in Sydney, Australia

I love looking at old photos of boats, and for you OCH members who share this passion be sure and check out the great photos posted by the Australian National Maritime Museum (full URL is below).

18 footer LIFEBUOY on Sydney Harbour

They’re spectacular and I’m grateful to my friend Claas van der Linde for alerting me to them. The photographer is Hall (father & son) and views from the 1890s to the 1930s are included. There are about 150 images in this collection and they are shown via Flickr Commons and can be viewed either as the default slide show or individually in several sizes including the original size and full-screen. The resolution holds up remarkably well for studying the details. There’s also a place to comment and to add additional information beyond what’s in the museum-generated captions.

How useful it would be if other photo collections showing the boats we know and love could be posted in this useable size and resolution! Other photo collections have been posted by the Austrailian National Maritime Museum to the same standards, so check out the museum’s home page and you’ll see at the bottom where Flickr Commons can be clicked to bring them up. Below is the museum’s user-friendly statement regarding rights and reproductions. I like this part best: “Users may download or print off these images for research, artistic or other personal use.”

Full URL to the images:

Rights Statement

The Australian National Maritime Museum joined Flickr Commons in 2010 to begin a process of making its major photographic collections more accessible to the public.

The first such collections to appear on 

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2 Responses So Far to “Some Great Old Sailing Photos: 18-Footers Sailing in Sydney, Australia

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    Bill Bouldin says:

    Some great photos there! Must have been shortage on canvas during those times.

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    mark lesage says:

    I was at the Australian Maritime museum 2 years ago and got to climb around on the Endeavour. The volunteers are very educated in maritime history and act out their parts. I also got to sail with the commador of the Sidney Amatuer yacht club Bill Hogan…and that was serious business these guys take Sunday sailing racing very seriously and then they have a great couple of schooners after! The maritime museum has alot of American navy influence. it is a teasure to go to.