Preview: Learning From Experience: My Biggest Disaster and What It Taught Me, by Alec Brainerd

October 5, 2012

Avatar Alec Brainerd

A few winters ago we received a call from a gentleman in Palm Beach, Florida who wanted a new Watch Hill 15 built, to sail at this home in Connecticut by June 1st.  His research was thorough, and he was sure this was the boat for him. However, he had never actually sailed one, and more importantly, we needed to convince his wife.  With two feet of snow on the ground and as many kids here at home in diapers, I had an epiphany:  “Why don’t I tow one of the Watch Hill 15s we’d already built down to Palm Beach for a trial sail?”

Watch Hill 15

Photo: © Benjamin Mendlowitz

I tossed a clean shirt and my flip-flops in a bag, said goodbye to my somewhat apprehensive yet amazingly supportive wife, hitched up the boat, and hit the road. I left Rockport on a Monday morning, and arrived at Cracker Boy Boat Works in Palm Beach Tuesday eening. We had the boat rigged and launched Wednesday, and our prospective customer (David), his wife, and I went for a perfect, tranquil sail that evening.

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