When the 15 Square Meter sloop VIXEN needed a new trunk cabin to top off her restoration, building it off-the-boat as a sub-assembly fell to Norman Whyte of Brooklin Boat Yard, a skilled Scottish boatbuilder who has long worked here. He had the old unit to go by, so could construct a duplicate at the same time as VIXEN herself was having her hull rebuilt. Lsten to Norm describe the whys and hows to OCH’s Eric Blake in the following video clip.
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Iain Oughtred says:
Excited and delighted to see them making such a fine job of rebuilding the Vixen. What an exquisite little yacht. But just a wee bit sad to see her painted. Certainly some of the bits of replaced planking did not match too well; i would have put up with that, expecting them to fade and more-or-less match up in 10 or 20 years!
Geoff Wade says:
Oh I really like these 2 about Vixen, well done to everyone who had a hand in them.