Preview: A Few of Our “Most Useful” Videos

After seven years, and over 500 videos released on Off Center Harbor, we hear two common descriptions of the videos: 1) “I LOVE this video.”, and/or 2) This video was so USEFUL to me.”

We thought you might appreciate a listing of the videos that have ranked among the “most useful” to OCH members, listed in an order that makes it fun to explore the vast vriety of topics.

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Comments, Thoughts or Suggestions?

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8 Responses So Far to “A Few of Our “Most Useful” Videos

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    Ben Tombs says:

    Have you got anything on engine installs? I’m about ready to repower my Chesapeake Skipjack.

    • Steve Stone

      Steve Stone says:

      Not yet, Ben, but good topic, so we’ll put it on the list — lots of different sizes and shapes, and nuances to consider for each project.

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    Karel Doruyter says:

    All interesting videos…takes me back !!!

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    Glenn Holland says:

    I like’em ALL. And I watch them all, cept. maybe for Yoga, etc. There is a lot to explore in the world of WBB. One method that would be worth looking at closely is what the Harkers Islander’s do down here in NC. I asked a guy from there how it seems that everyone can build boats. He said, “well, as soon as you can swing a hammer your daddy gives you a saw and a coffee can of nails, you go to the back yard and build yourself a boat”. That was about 45 years ago. They are still at it.

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    Steve S - RestHarrow Boatworks says:

    Thanks for ALL the great videos. As I was building my somes sound 12 1/2, Geoff’s videos of building the Caledonia Yawl were perfectly timed!! One step ahead of my own project. Now I’m turning an 18′ Rosborough into a small cruising boat for my wife and me. Have enjoyed videos of small cruisers and looking for more!!

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    rafael prohens says:

    In the year 1998 I build a 25 fts Friendship Sloop,my question?
    Do you have any videos with this type of boats????

    • Steve Stone

      Steve Stone says:

      Hi Rafael. Nothing on Friendship sloops yet. But it’s on our list.

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    George Lansing says:

    Your series on boat electrics, coastal navigation, and Marine Electronics for boats of all sizes are my favorites as a new sailboat owner. Thanks for your work and keep them coming. How about a series on food shopping, storing and cooking on small boats for several days to a week cruise?