Preview: Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific – Update #16 – The Ship Arrives – My Departure Awaits


by Tom Robinson

Every three months, sometimes less, sometimes more, a new day dawns on Tongareva, and there’s a sense in the air that it’s going to be a good day. The day the ship arrives. People of the city are perhaps unaware that they too rely on the ship arriving, as it is no less important to their survival than to the people of Penrhyn, but as is the case with much of city life, it’s rather impersonal event that is for the most part out of sight and mind. We pay somebody else to tie up the boat, another to unload the cargo, yet another to deliver it to the shop, then perhaps another to make it into a meal for us to purchase; to sit down and eat at a fast food restaurant. We are free to ponder as we eat, we may ponder many things, but probably not the ship that brought the ingredients from across the seas. The people of Penrhyn will never be guilty of such insincerity and privilege – the coming of the boat is a blessing appreciated by all.

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