Preview: Double Rainbow All the Way

Still brings any room of people to laughter, still beautiful, and now legendary all over the world . . .

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10 Responses So Far to “Double Rainbow All the Way

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    Craig Adams says:

    I think what it means is pretty simple.

    As a dad, and now a Grandpa, I love to set things that delight the kids up to surprise them.

    (It means He loves you and put delightful things in front of you just to see you delighted.)

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    Maarten Coeman says:

    I’ve seen one like that, just this morning.
    I didn’t cry, smiling yes, even laughing, feeling really good.
    Come to think off it made my day, or it started it off really good!
    It’s these small things isn’t it.

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    Kurt Lorenz says:

    The fellow is in a delightfully altered state. Old memories. Smile.

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    Kevin MacNeil says:

    Great that he hasn’t lost the wonder…and hasn’t lost his stash either.

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    Paulq Howson says:

    Was that guy on electric Poo har!. Another name for Marijuana over here in New Zealand.

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    Douglas Lassey says:

    O M G…It’s G O D’s Work❣️
    Doug Lassey

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      Stephen Johnson says:

      Being in the moment. Id say the Holy Spirit came over him.