Preview: Rescuing New Zealand’s Orcas

Few animals represent the power of our oceans as well as the Orca – the most intelligent predator on earth. For those of us who love this planet’s wild places and creatures, this short film is 19 minutes well-spent.

It follows the work of Dr. Ingrid Visser, a remarkable woman who captures beautiful footage of wild New Zealand Orca and dedicates her life and scientific career o helping them.

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4 Responses So Far to “Rescuing New Zealand’s Orcas

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    John Mcalinden says:

    This is all about empathy. It’s so important not to see the intelligent species as others, as not being something incapable of thought and sensitivity. it’s time for us to move to a time when we seek a shared commonality of being and relating to each other with animals like apes, dolphins and whales.
    After all, we’ve been treating dogs as friends for generations innumerable and they have comparatively less potential than primates and cetaceans.

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      Dustin Urban says:

      So true, John. I love seeing what a deep connection this woman has with these creatures. I can hardly imagine swimming with orcas like she does – it must be so powerful.

      In order to move into a time where we do more to care for and less to harm nature, it seems we need more people pursuing and cultivating emotional connections with the natural world.

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    Hank Kennedy says:

    WOW! Fantastic. A great vid. A wonderful sublect and som beautiful photography. Thanks OCH