Preview: Sailing on the Chick

Good boats, good friends, and a favorite river. What more do we all need?

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27 Responses So Far to “Sailing on the Chick

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    Logan Weiler III says:

    I can’t stop watching — literally. I just watched it five times and I still can’t get enough. You captured the day beautifully. The music was a marvelous touch. Thank you for sharing your epic sail.

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      Eddie Breeden says:

      Thanks Logan. Hard to believe it was cold here now in July.

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    Robert Emery says:

    Great video, thanks! Would you please share the source of the great music from the video? Would love to hear more.

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      Eddie Breeden says:

      Thanks Robert. There is a credit at the end. “First Time” by Four80East. Enjoy-

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    Wayne Bartow says:

    What beautiful scenes and back ground music to accompany . Much thanks for this during these awful times shut in. We have 30inches of snow and more on the way here in Hudson Valley.

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      Eddie Breeden says:

      Not an encouraging weather forecast there! Geez, that could force one into hibernation. Spring will come though. Hang in there-

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    Thomas Franco says:

    that framework on the boat….

    **SO GOOD!!!**

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    steve schwartz says:

    A masterpiece. You combined some of my favorite things (small boats, unspoiled places and smooth jazz). That is the good life.

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    Francis Marinaro says:

    Ah, vicarious sailing. Being a FOG with no boat that’s all I get but it reminds me and I can escape for a while. Thank you

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    Rich Denning says:

    There are no words to adequately describe the theme and beauty of this video. Combining the peaceful video shots with the great background music takes one to a “different place”. So well done!

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    Alan Bomar says:

    Ok. I have read the Off Center Harbor email newsletters for years until I saw the video on the “Chick”. That brought me in to join because the Chickahominy River is one of the most beautiful rivers in the world. Most of the navigatable 22 NM is uninhabited at least on one side of it if not both. The Chickahominy River looks today as in in did in the centuries prior to Virginia being populated with the current population of non nomadic people. Traditional sailing vessels on the river add to its beauty. Thank you for sharing. Alan

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    maarten van rossum says:

    these boats are similar to the 18ft yawl Webb Chiles sailed from San Diego across the South Pacific to Samoa. Reading his book Open Boat across the pacific and he certainly is staunch! He could probably be a honorary lingering lunatic!

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    John Graham says:

    When watching your beautifully recorded videos I begin to feel twenty years younger and that’s a very good thing. Happy holidays to you and the crew. Very well done!
    John G

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    Thomas Buzzi says:

    Pure pleasure watching this. GREAT music. So true, good weather, fine boats, good friends. The building blocks of a life well spent.

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    Pete Peters says:

    This video captures how we sail and overnight on our small traditional boats. The evening raft ups are particularly fun. Nice job Eddie.

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      Eddie Breeden says:

      Hey Pete,
      Thanks. Hope our boats cross paths in the new year.

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    alfred krenn says:

    brings back memories of sailing in the whitsundays. Great Barrier Reef. it certainly brings back some boat building juices in me.again good job you guys and gals.

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    Mike McAllister says:

    Thanks Steve for another great video! Very relaxing music to go along with a beautiful November day of sailing.

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    Glenn Holland says:

    I need to sell my CY. But when ya’ll post a video like this…who could sell something that can bring that much pleasure?
    thanks, I suppose,
    Glenn H.

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    Rudolph Bar says:

    Unfortunately Steve, I am am one of the remote subscribers that can only enjoy your videos. Keep them coming!