This short film will put a smile on your face. Traditional boat building and simple living at its best in Northern Norway. A perfect meditation as we come together with friends and family approaching this darkest time of year.
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William McCaffrey says:
A very happy man and his beautiful boat – perfection!
How would one go about finding information on how to build a boat like this?
James Noonan says:
A Wonderful craft, wonderful boat builder, a wonderful Norway and wonderful digital videographer who connected it and us all !
Paul Gill says:
I have been in love with Norway since the day many years ago when my father took me on board CHRISTIAN RADICH in Philadelphia. I fell under the spell of the beautiful ship, with its lofty masts reaching to the sky, the scrubbed decks, massive anchors, polished brass, and muscular, blonde sailors engaged in every manner of mystical shipboard chore. I visited Norway two summers ago and found the land and its people to be even more wonderful than I had imagined they would be. We are going back this summer to fjord country on a vacation house swap. On my third visit, I want to visit Bjorn in northern Norway and soak up some of his wisdom and philosopy. And perhaps dine on reindeer steak! Thank you for this very special video. OCH is my favorite site on the web!
David Satter says:
Doesn’t get any better than that. At 51 my knees and hands hurt but I’m doing what I love. I also think my 19 year old daughter makes more money than I do, but I’ll do this to the end. Dave
bob mcCorkle says:
What a wonderful, restful video. It is a message for all who are overcome with a hectic life’s rush, that it is possible to find peace and fulfillment in a purpose-guided existence. This is definitely a keeper for me to watch when the world seems to be too overwhelming.
Vance Scott says:
Lovely film.
Struck me how fit this man is for his age.
Maybe following his dream and the simple life is the formula………..
william biba says:
Just watched the film Sunday morning after coming in from my shop (waiting for paint to dry) made me realize again that even though we may have aches and pains, doing what we love seams to make it all go away. thanks
Roxy Darling says:
This lovely vignette watched just now in the midst of the hubbub that the holiday season sometimes brings (in spite of our determined efforts to have a calm, peaceful…), brought a sense of peace and tranquility to my day. Ulf’s long ago understanding and conviction that to live a life doing that which brought him joy is a gift to us all.
David Sinclair says:
A love for boat building and fresh air trumps the pursuit of wealth-for-wealth’s sake … Inspirerende.
Eric Blake says:
Daryl Clark says:
Blazing on a sunny afternoon, brings back good memories! And what a wonderful human being!
Peter Brackenbury says:
Makes you appreciate Solstice…and I thought it was dark around here!
Judie Romeo says:
Great minds think alike! This one came in our email today from two different friends and we just opened OCH to send it to you. Smiles all around here for the marvelous story, the beautiful music and the hilarious outtakes of the morning swim.
Dustin Urban says:
Indeed, Judie… we had just finished posting when we saw an email from another member recommending it!
Jon Arcuni says:
It put a smile on my face! Great film, great music!
anthony dellechiaie says:
Just finished watching this wonderful film after just viewing the last episode of Lillyhammer on Netflix.
Needless to say I’m confused.