Preview: W.A.G. Bags to the Rescue

Is he really going there? Ya, sorry — but it’s a reality/question we ran into all summer, and we’ve been thinking that there may be a LOT of other boaters who are asking the same question.

As we expanded our range and our “leave no trace” practice was challenged by tiny granite islands that get a lot of traffic (thus burying in a deep hole wasn’t practica), plus more sleeping aboard in small coves and protected anchorages, we needed an education on this topic to up our game, so to speak.

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8 Responses So Far to “W.A.G. Bags to the Rescue

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    Roger Schwake says:

    I’ve just started using WAG bags on board my sail boat. Have a three gallon bucket with a seat on top, it seems to keep the odder in. Can they be used more than once. Have been by my self so far and have not found the smell offensive. What is your thoughts on this.

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    Peter Ludke says:

    Iv’e been using WAG bags for years when hiking and climbing in the mountains, the desert canyons of Utah, and climbing big walls like El Capitan. I don’t even consider any other approach these days.

    Climbers have been required to carry out their waste on El Cap for many years now. The usual approach is to make a “pipe bomb” of 4″ PVC with a glued on cap on one end, and a screw on cap on the other. I’ve used this to contain the used WAG bags and it works well. This is the approach I would use on a small boat.

    The WAG bags don’t smell terribly, but they are not completely odor free, I’ve found putting a cup or 2 of Baking Soda in the pipe bomb helps minimize this.

    I’m just getting started on a sail and oar camp cruiser build, but my plan is to make a seat for a bucket per L. Francis Herreshoff, for comfort when doing my business.

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    Andy Reynolds says:

    Those of us who have pulled out on a favorite beach, only to find it defiled by human poop, in plain site above the tideline and below the vegetation, understand the value of LEAVE NO TRACE ethics while out enjoying this beautiful planet we live on.

    Thx to OCH for helping educate on this topic that most of us are not comfortable talking about!

    Our rivers and seas need to be respected for the life-giving essential support they provide for all life on Earth, and all too often our species falls short of that goal.

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    Wayne McCallum says:

    I’m a retired National Park Ranger from the high country in Victoria Australia. When I was working I devised some “Poo Tubes” made from 4″ pvc pipe with a screw on end and a strap fitted. I tried to convince the bushwalkers who came to the office to take one with them and use them just like the Biffy Bag. Not sure if it was my poor sales pitch but I got very few takers. The Plan is you do the jobbie on some grease proof paper the wrap it all up and pop it in the Poo Tube to be disposed of later. I used them myself and works fine. Just keep upwind when you undo the lid!

    • David Tew

      David Tew says:

      Not to mention a useful thing when traveling ashore, especially in this pandemic era of limited public restroom availability.

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      Larry Morris says:

      Isn’t that what the 1 gallon OJ Bottle bailer is for. It doesn’t solve the solid waste issue. But I find mind very handy when duty calls.