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  • Author
    • #44209
      John PrattJohn Pratt

      I am well in to construction of AROHA using a CNC cut kit.  The kit includes very accurately made frames, floors, bulkheads, etc. and embodies an enormous amount of information. The frames would be very tedious to build from the mylars; I strongly recommend working from a CNC kit if you can obtain one where you are located.

    • #45517
      AvatarPeter Wattiker

      Dear Mr. Pratt, Pete Wattiker: I am considering building AROHA. I would most likely use the CNC kit to start. Just trying to get a handle on estimate of cost for super-structure/ hull/ power, finished. I know there r too many variables on interior finish, as well as material choices /finishes just trying to get an estimater for the basics as stated. Thanks, appreciate any input.

      Peter Wattiker

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