Preview: How to Build a Beautiful Skiff, Part 9 – Shaping the Inner Stem

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September 21, 2016

As the skiff series continues, Eric Blake demonstrates how to plane a twisting bevel into the skiff’s inner stem.

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4 Responses So Far to “How to Build a Beautiful Skiff, Part 9 – Shaping the Inner Stem

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    Gregory Corning says:

    How come you guys don’t use marking gages, like the cabinet makers do?

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    Frank Shopen says:

    Hi. New member here. I initially like the idea of the extra wood to go in the vice but I noticed it cause problems because of its shape being held in the vice. Also it was difficult to get the shear end accurate. I wondered if it wouldn’t be better to add a 2×2 or 2×6 to the aft side of it so that you can mount it horizontally and have perfect range of lateral movement then, just undo the screws and you’re all set and done.

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    Gregory Walsh says:

    Happen to be building the Yankee Tender, 12.5 feet, almost in synch with your videos on the ‘beautiful skiff.’ Just cut out the stems from plywood patterns yesterday. A very nice coincidence. thanks.
    Greg Walsh
    Cape Elizabeth, Maine


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