Preview: How to Build The Off Center Skiff, Part 15 – Finishing the Bottom & Flipping the Boat

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The kids are hard at work finishing up the puttying, taking the boat off the molds, screwing down the bottom stringers, flipping the boat, and getting in the final frames — all in one class!

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5 Responses So Far to “How to Build The Off Center Skiff, Part 15 – Finishing the Bottom & Flipping the Boat

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    Ann Flannery says:

    The “Harpswell Boatbuilders” are building the Off-Center Skiff. I, Ann Flannery, am guiding them in my shop in Cundy’s Harbor every Sunday afternoon. Or I should say they are guiding me! The kids are ages 8-15. Eager group. We are about to finish the bottom and take the boat off it’s molds. Question…What should we put over the cotton caulk in the upper seams? Like between the sheer strake and the plank below it? We are putting seam compound over the cotton in the seams below the water line. What about above the water line? Thanks! Ann

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      Eric Blake says:

      Hey Ann,
      Really excited for your group. I am building another skiff this winter with the local 7th and 8th graders. It is really a wonderful project to build with a group which was our hope when we shot the series. Knowing that other people out there are building them makes me very happy. The seam compound I used on the top sides is by interlux
      Have fun finishing your skiff!
      Best, Eric

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        Ann Flannery says:

        Thanks for your prompt response Eric. I never knew the difference between the brown seam compound and the white. Good to know. Yes the process building the OC Skiff with the kids has been great. So inspiring. We are looking at an early June launching. We plan to auction off or sell the skiff with proceeds going to A local non-profit that supports all things about a working waterfront. Check out the website! Thanks again, Ann

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    William Scribner says:

    Good job working with those kids to build a boat. They will remember doing this the rest of their lives. You are teaching them skills they will need later when they own and need to upkeep a home/boat of their own. Having two daughters and having built a boat, I understand how difficult it is to maintain focus on what you are doing. God bless you and give you patience to keep up the good work.

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    Bob Ide says:

    I love the fact that these are kids getting their hands dirty and a little sweaty and there are no Ipads, phones of hovering parents. Watching the instructors is inspiring as they show skill, patience and respect to the students and letting them learn new hands on skill. The best part was when the instructor is busy with the kids and has his child in a carrier on his back. Well done, we need a lot more people in the world like this.



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