Preview: How to Build The Off Center Skiff, Part 17 – Inwales & Outwales

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This week Eric Blake and the Brooklin Skiff Club kids are hand-riveting the inwales and outwales into place on the Off Center Skiff.

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11 Responses So Far to “How to Build The Off Center Skiff, Part 17 – Inwales & Outwales

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    Robert says:

    Man, these kids are getting into the good stuff! I love this, great job team, thanks for sharing.

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    Paul Ludington says:

    Where can I purchase the backing iron?

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    Lonnie Davis says:

    What are the nail/rivets called and where can I get some

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    Lonnie Davis says:

    Where can I purchase the rivets that you used in this video?
    Thank you

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    Lou Kimball says:

    I’ve ordered my plans and will be building her over the winter, 2019. This is an incredibly inspiring series. Loved what you have done to get these kids excited about wooden boats. And, no plywood! So much more satisfying that way. Kudos to one and all.

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    M. Hans Liebert says:

    I’ve been binge watching the series. In the last couple hours, I watched what was a rather dazed group of indifferent kids turn into a gang of enthusiastic boat builders. When the one young lady, having just cut the stem, said of the outwales, “Can I cut these?”, I can honestly say, I had to catch a tear. Beautiful, guys. Simply, beautiful.

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    Peter Hendrickson says:

    I work with our grandkids on boats, chicken coops, fence repairs, fuel bunkers, trails in the ravine, tent platform…that profound sense of happiness I feel with the magnificent 7 (soon to be 8) I experience watching these videos. Many thanks from the Left Coast.

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    Clay Young says:

    We are in the process of building one with10 kids, so far so good St Augustine Maritime Foundation.

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    jim hilty says:

    I have enjoyed very much watching these kids get involved in each segment of construction of this skiff, but I have have missed the girl who whistles while she works.

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    gerald spiegel says:

    This is absolutely one of the best things Ive ever watched on the internet. A pleasure watching these young people build the boat, Imagine the accomplishment they must be feeling


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