Preview: Building a Stitch and Glue Boat, Part 3 – Gluing the Side Panels to Length

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Building a Stitch and Glue Boat, Part 2 – Gluing the Side Panels to Length: Careful measuring — Stacking planks to achieve symmetry — Gluing techniques explained.

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3 Responses So Far to “Building a Stitch and Glue Boat, Part 3 – Gluing the Side Panels to Length

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    Ken Rose says:

    Hi Bill, I’m new into building boats, but I’ve worked in the automotive fabrication process for about 37 years, but had to retire due to health problems. The one thing that impresses me right off the bat, is you use very high quality tools, your shop is well lighted, and very clean. When I was working, and if I had to hire in new help the first thing I would ask was, do you have your own tools, and what brand were they? After the awkward pause, the first thing he would say was, “why”? Well that was always the start to a short interview. If he would have said, I use the best tools I can find.Then I would ask him if he minded if I looked at his equipment, long story short, if his tools were organized, clean, and good quality, nine times out of ten he was hired, because if he cared enough to use good tools and kept them clean and organized, he would put the same kind of quality work for me and my customers that we serviced. Quality never comes cheap.

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    Walter Connolly says:

    Bill, great video and presentation you make it look so easy even a caveman could do it. Very nice looking shop, I hope you will do more boatbuilding projects and how about a canoe trip around the coast of of Maine. The cost of joining is more than worth it just from watching Fox Canoe Part 2. Cheers Walter

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      Bill Thomas says:

      Hi Walter. Thanks for the positive feedback and for joining the Off Center Harbor site. I’m looking forward to helping with more videos. And yes a feature on camping along the coast of Maine is in the works. That’ll be an extra fun one to work on!


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