Preview: Building Interiors Upside Down

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Building hulls upside down happens these days more often than rightside up, but keeping them that way while building the interior is unusual. By the time she’s turned over, this 42′ double-ender, designed and being built by Brion Rieff, will be surprisingly complete—with even her plywood sub-deck laid. Ingenious and efficient, it’s an interesting new twist on boatbuilding.

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3 Responses So Far to “Building Interiors Upside Down

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    Thomas Morgan says:

    And if you use bifocal glasses, get a pair made with the near vision on both the bottom and the top of the lens to avoid a stiff neck. They are called electricians glasses. never leave home without them.

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    Brad Bovee says:

    How exactly do you turn the whole thing right side up? I would like to see that video.


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