Preview: Building a Stitch and Glue Boat, Part 22 – Fitting The Coaming Rims

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Just when we thought we’d completed the stitch and glue part of the build, Bill throws one more at us. Even at this stage it’s amazing how well this technique pulls the finishing touches together.

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One Response So Far to “Building a Stitch and Glue Boat, Part 22 – Fitting The Coaming Rims

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    Nick Leoncavallo says:

    I ran two outside corners of the coaming rims thru the router table with 1/8″ round over. That took a lot of the sanding away. The bottom edge of the rim was “good enough” just had to touch up the top.

    The epoxy finish likes to fish eye no matter what. Found that if you catch them early brushing over them several times will sometimes reduce or eliminate the fish eye. If anyone has a better solution let us know.
    Great project.


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