Preview: Building the Oonagh Sailing Rowing Skiff, Part 17 – Transoms, Knees, & Inwales

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Transoms, Knees and Inwales are the topics illustrated in Building Oonagh Part 17.

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2 Responses So Far to “Building the Oonagh Sailing Rowing Skiff, Part 17 – Transoms, Knees, & Inwales

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    jeffrey chabot says:

    I know this is a late question but is Kit using mahogony for the knee’s and the rails? I used douglas fur is the mahogony stronger and is it much more as far as cost to us mahogony. Kit is a great teacher , I have learned a lot from her and the video’s thanks for the great work . Hope to see someone fro OCH at the Newport boat show and seeing the boats you bring, Jeff

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    Rich Dodson says:

    Great video! I appreciate Kit’s teaching style, humor, as well as her skills. Thanks OCH, Hylan and Brown, and Kit Macchi!


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