Preview: Conserving a Coastline, The Work of Maine Coast Heritage Trust

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September 29, 2023

There’s nothing more compelling than a clutch of wild islands calling from across the water. Thanks to good people like these, the wild island experience will be calling for generations to come.

As we all know, the Coast of Maine is vulnerable to rampant development from any number of directions. We are fortunate that the Maine Coast Heritage Trust’s program of easements helps keep the islands the way they always were.

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8 Responses So Far to “Conserving a Coastline, The Work of Maine Coast Heritage Trust

  • David and Margaret Tew

    David and Margaret Tew says:

    Sea bottom conservation and protection is important also. There are assorted efforts to gather ‘ghost traps’ along the nation’s seaboards that are getting private, local, state and Federal funding. Here locally, student divers will be seeking out lost traps this fall as they’ve done in the past. It’s good work:

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    Wayne McCallum says:

    Indescribably important work. It is critical that we keep beautiful, wild places in good condition for future generations and accessible for all. Thank you.

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    Burke Horner says:

    We stayed in Bar Harbor years ago, first never knowing how many beautiful islands were surrounding us or being islands that are protected today. Thanks for such a wonderful presentation!

  • David and Margaret Tew

    David and Margaret Tew says:

    The achievements that result from the work and attention brought to bear when developing these resources are some of our state treasures. Community involvement in one of its best forms. We are so very thankful for it all.

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    Bill Theurkauf says:

    This is a fantastic organization that we should all support. Making a contribution helps preserve the islands we all love andt get’s you access to several very cool cabins MCHT has on islands and shore preserves along the coast.

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    Sherry Streeter says:

    Beautifully done! Important info and gorgeous photography. Thank you OCH and MCHT

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    Mark McConathy says:

    Truly amazing and unknown to most…thank you so much for sharing!! A real off center gem!

  • Jonathan Lewis

    Jonathan Lewis says:

    Thank you all for your Herculean efforts on everyone’s and everything’s behalf. A treasure.


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