Preview: Cool Sail Rigging Tips #2 – Tail Bury Lengths for Splicing Braided Rope

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Synthetic ropes are strong but slippery. Here’s how to be sure you have enough tail bury length when splicing braided rope.

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6 Responses So Far to “Cool Sail Rigging Tips #2 – Tail Bury Lengths for Splicing Braided Rope

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    Sean Rhone says:

    Is there a video of doing one of these splices? How do you bury 2 feet of a line when splicing?

    • Steve Stone

      Steve Stone says:

      Not yet, Sean, but someday. It’s on our list, but Brion Toss’s book the Rigger’s Appretice is the “bible” on these topics. And unlike most of what we feature on OCH, there are probably some videos on YouTube That might show you this process.

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      Brion Toss says:

      There is a wide variety of tools for making long buries in braided rope; our Splicing Wand is one. But I think what matters more than the tool is the knowledge of the operator, which is why I’ve spent some time and effort working up clear instructions.

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    Tim Wieringa says:

    What is the manufactor if the knife, where can they be purchased? Great video

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    Chad Brown says:

    Brion has the perfect voice for your instructional videos! Very relaxing and very in formative!


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