Preview: Cool Shop Tips #3, Chipper Guide for Plane Sharpening

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Who knew the cap iron on your hand plane could be used as a guide when sharpening the blade? A handy little plane sharpening tip.

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5 Responses So Far to “Cool Shop Tips #3, Chipper Guide for Plane Sharpening

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    Ants Uiga says:

    This video went fast and the details were not stressed. But, it seems the reversed chip plate was used along the guide on the grinder to hold the edge square. It I missed the point, I will gladly appreciate the correction.

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    James Okelly says:

    I wish we could have gotten more video from Larry before he retired and passed his tools off. If Larry wants to tell it or show it, I want to listen or watch!

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    Matthew Paton says:

    I will try this after I get the rust off my planes. Sandy storm was three feet deep in my shed.


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