Preview: EASTWARD, A Simple Powerboat for Cruising

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September 27, 2018

Making the switch from a life time of sailing, to cruising in a powerboat, is a big change, and the right boat can sure make the adjustment a treat.

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22 Responses So Far to “EASTWARD, A Simple Powerboat for Cruising

  • Alan Houghton says:

    So many very cool ideas and tricks for a simple life afloat. Filed away for future reference. Thnx Alan

  • edward mcmahon says:

    Beautiful boat…In the saying sailboat, motorboat, motorhome, rest home, I think this boat is the missing ling link between sailboat and motorboat that keeps one from progressing
    (or regressing) down the line.

    • Raymond D Reichart says:

      Are there any plans for this design or maybe futu Re kits.

      • Nate Rooks

        Nate Rooks says:

        Hi Raymond – At this time, EASTWARD is just a custom one-off with no discussion of kits.

  • David Tew

    David Tew says:

    Interesting that Art Brendze moved back to the east coast from the SF Bay area.

    • willem nieuwkerk says:

      Yes – he’s moved around a bit. I recall him having a boatyard in Kennebunkport in the late 70’s where I recall him building a rozinante

    • David Tew

      David Tew says:

      Whose Amphibi-ette is moored in the background of the opening shot? She looks good!

  • Jay Knight says:

    Always had suspicions on outboard engines, I guess I think of Seagulls when I think of outboards. This installation is great, it is protected, and saves a lot of space, and with the structure around it quiet. Noticed he has radar, does the engine have enough generator capabilities to stay juiced up? This boat is really nice!

  • Eric J Nelson says:

    Absolutely delightful. How awesome, just love Hylan’s Marsh Hen. My favorite.

  • Richard Whiting says:

    Sweet video. As an older man now in my 70’s and having sailed all my life; I now find the beauty of progressing in a straight line in the comfort of a pilothouse getting from A to B with a fine timeline. Aging seems to change one’s perspective. But I am so glad that it still concerns life on the water in vessels, be they sail or power. We are still on the water!

  • Peter Cannon says:

    Lovely boat but where will a gas leak end up. Can gas leak into the bilge and blow up.

  • Ed Altonji says:

    The boat is beautiful, but it’s all those seemingly small thought out details that truly pulled me in. The front hatch, the anchor rode set up, the ingenious table, sizing the holds based on convenient readily available stowage bins, planning to remove the cabin doors with those brilliant hinges. A boat to be very proud of and to never let go of. Thank you for sharing it with us. And we’ll done again to OCH.

  • Kevin McNeill says:

    I’ve been working on a similar concept for some time, long, thin and low power. However I adhere to the Buehler concept, drinks for six, feed four, sleep two. It’s nice to see that these old time concepts are making a resurgence.

  • David Tew

    David Tew says:

    Charming video. The differences in going to a powerboat from a sailboat are ones we’ve experienced also. Sailboats take wind, waves and sea differently (less rolling potential than our powerboat anyway) and going from ‘Point A to Point B’ straight into the wind and sea can be more ‘plungy’, as my wife says. Thus we often time longer passages for calm early mornings and shape courses along the lee of islands, something not taken as much into consideration when sailing. It’s a change in the way of being on the water but has its own appeal. I’ve been interested in the Cubic stove for a while so his choice and satisfaction is encouraging. I also like the tabs for securing the side curtains when rolled up and zippered doors on his aft cockpit enclosure. We have those also and need to replace them soon. We’ll consider how to incorporate both features.

  • Robert (Bob) Godfrey says:

    Simplicity reigns! What a great boat. Many thanks for sharing it with us.

  • Doug Duffield says:

    Wow what a nice practical boat. A users boat that the builder thought of everything.
    Thanks for sharing

  • Ginny Jones says:

    There are many things to love about this boat, and Maynard and Mr. Brendze have already noted them. I particularly loved the forward hatch — a masterpiece of simple engineering and construction which adds so much to the comfort and well being below as well as working on the foredeck. The table is also a simple but effective solution and one can imagine a cockpit full of happy friends enjoying a wonderful meal in a peaceful anchorage.

  • Chris Cornell says:

    This is marvelous demonstration of—and even tribute to—what custom design and building is all about: the needs, tastes, and long experience of a knowledgeable owner translated into a boat that fits him/her in every conceivable way. Thanks for a job well done.

  • John Simlett says:

    Real nice video of nice people on a nice boat! really enjoyed this . Art says it all really: “an overarching goal was to incorporate features of a Herreshoff Rozinante and a Concordia Yawl to create a sailorman’s dream—one that looks great, sips fuel, sleeps six, and can be towed behind a pickup truck.”


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