Preview: Ron Mueller’s Eco 55 Power Cat – JUST ENUF

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Just when we thought we’d seen about everything in the way of a boat, the Eco 55 Power Cat JUST ENUF slides into view: practical, home-buildable, beachable, economical, and with an aesthetic all her own.

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10 Responses So Far to “Ron Mueller’s Eco 55 Power Cat – JUST ENUF

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    Bill Sumner says:

    How does she do in rough weather? Very nice vessel.

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    Karl Aigner says:

    I love it, maybe that will be my next build. For my wife to accept it, I have to find a place where to put a porta potti

    • Steve Stone

      Steve Stone says:

      Hi Karl. That’s the chair that Ron is sitting on. He’s got a cover and a stadium chair that turns the porta potti into the living room chair.

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    Neil Moomey says:

    Neat design. I love boats with lots of open space so you can configure them. Batten construction is rare these day.

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    Thomas Dalzell says:

    I own a catamaran motor boat of 16 ft, and a sailing tri of 24 ft, so this is exactly the kind of stuff I like to see, not to say I don’t like the traditional stuff also… Been reading wooden boat from issue 1 that I still have somewhere.

    Oh, i also have a catamaran fishing kick boat I made as a legacy project for a boat I fell in love with in the 60s, also made in ply, like the other two boats.

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    John Simlett says:

    A great boat and a great guy. Really enjoyed it.

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    luiz boms says:

    Great boat from a amazing designer!!! Have a KD650 myself and is amazing as well!!!


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