Preview: Kayak Wisdom, Part 3 – Essential Sea Kayak Camping Gear

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Bill Thomas and Jane Ahlfeld show us what sea kayak camping gear and supplies they take out on the water for an overnight camp cruise.

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14 Responses So Far to “Kayak Wisdom, Part 3 – Essential Sea Kayak Camping Gear

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    Reagan Tucker says:

    outstanding lesson. I watch your videos at work at lunch and they help me “get away” zen style and reset my mind if only for a few minutes of education. I am new to camp cruising coming from large pleasure and commercial craft. Thanks!

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    Leigh Besson says:

    What month has the least amount of fog? Thank you.

    • Steve Stone

      Steve Stone says:

      Depends on the year. August and September are hard to beat.

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    Thom Loftus says:

    Thanks for the great info. Can I ask what sunglasses Bill is wearing? Have had trouble finding good polarized lenses that truly block out peripheral light!

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    Peter Brackenbury says:

    Is Bill thinking of designing a Rob Roy inspired sailing rig for the Fox? Also, is it possible to sleep on the floor? Would you have to reconfigure a removable seat? I love the Fox design, it seems so versatile as a recreational and cruising kayak.

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    Mark Smith says:

    Bill, Who makes the PFD you were wearing, and would you go into the portable toilet you briefly showed?

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      Bill Thomas says:

      Hi Mark,
      First, the PFD is an old Lotus Designs. It was a bit long on the tooth so I replaced it this session with a Kokata Guide. Their Bahia Tour also looks nice but I needed a vest with a tow belt incorporated into the design. Portable toilet, well I sort of embellished there. Google Wagg Bags. It’s the system I’ve used for several years now.
      Have fun on the water.

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    Kevin Sio says:

    What boots is Bill wearing? My feet are always cold when paddling in Maine. Kevin

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      Ben Fuller says:

      If your boat is big enough the high Chotas are hard to beat. Fleece lined, and tight enough on the calf that if you go in too deep not much water gets in.

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      Bill Thomas says:

      Hi Kevin,
      The Chotas Ben recommended are good but take up a lot of room in a kayak. I wear size 13 shoes and find the NRS boots are great. Not to bulky, watertight and warm. It’s soooo nice to have dry feet all day long!

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    william Parker says:

    rum!….never know when a sea snake will atack.


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