Preview: Greenland Kayak Rolling with Freya Fennwood

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Greenland Kayak Rolling champion Freya Fennwood takes us through a progression of Greenland sea kayak rolls for all types of conditions in a kayak designed specifically for her and Greenland kayak rolls by her dad (and founder of Pygmy Kayaks), John Lockwood.

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5 Responses So Far to “Greenland Kayak Rolling with Freya Fennwood

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    Peter Willcox says:

    Allen Sawyer: When I was in high school I practiced rolling my kayak in a shallow pond. When I would run out of breath, I would push my paddle on the bottom and pop up. It was a good way to practice.

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    Keith Magill says:

    I have tried to roll my sea kayak and I must say it is not easy. Freya makes it look effortless.
    Definitely going to give it a try again…. in the summer!

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    John Powers says:

    My SOF could roll if I could get my back to bend like that. If you can get the guy who made that paddle to post a video that would be great.

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    Allen Sawyer says:

    Wonderful video!

    I have a Pygmy Arctic Tern. It was the first boat that I built. I have enjoyed it for its ease of movement and tracking; however, I have not used it to its fullest because I have not learned to roll her. I have chosen flat water for most of my excursions. OCH / Freya’s video has given me incentive to rectify that. There are so many more adventures possible when you have the necessary safety skill of rolling.

    Again, thank you for this video, and cheers.


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