Preview: How to Loft a Boat, Part 5 – Drawing Lines and Developing Stations

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September 15, 2022

The lofting continues as Sean demonstrates laying out points on the lofting lines plan to create lines.


Part 5 is in the edit queue now so look for it in the months to come.

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3 Responses So Far to “How to Loft a Boat, Part 5 – Drawing Lines and Developing Stations

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    Scott Birch says:

    Sean is a VERY good instructor! When is Part 6 available or am i missing it?

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    Walter Connolly says:

    Could you have drawn three separate drawings? I do realize that it would not be as accurate but for the beginner it would be less confusing.

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      Michael Seibert says:

      Yes – you can do three separate drawings. I was a beginner when I lofted my Lightning, and a combined drawing of the three views made my head feel like it would explode. So I did three separate drawings and it worked out fine.


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