Preview: How to Build a Caledonia Yawl, Part 10 – Shaping the Stem

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A strong, well rendered stem sets the shape of the boat to come.  Here are the tips and techniques you need to get it right the first time.

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8 Responses So Far to “How to Build a Caledonia Yawl, Part 10 – Shaping the Stem

  • Adam Dovalina says:

    Hello Geoff,

    With minimal information laid out in the plans for the bearding line (only 2 cross sections), how did you determine that the detailed bevel was a good one to use throughout the stem? In particular it seems like using that detailed bevel in the aft garboard area would take too much material off the stem and leave a gap between the plank and the inside stem face.

    • Geoff Kerr says:

      You may well be right in that particular area, tho’ I’ve never had a huge problem there. You can always leave that section un or under beveled and check it with a batten after mounting the stem. And take comfort in the fact that thickened epoxy loves to fill a gap…

  • Geoff Kerr says:

    Replies are few and far between because it is August and some of us are off sailing and building boats. The joints between the stems and keelson are detailed in the full sized stem pattern sheets. This is a classic case of why boats should be lofted, Iain has taken care of this for us with the full sized stem sheet. Don’t be concerned about the apparent short length of these joints. The outer stem and keel structures reinforce this part of the world dramatically. It is possible to scribe and fit the stems, working off such known points as the building frame height, distances to stations, etc, but the lofting is there for a reason, so you might as well trace it, take a deep breath and cut it.

  • Richard Schneider says:

    The cuts on the stems to mate with bottom of keelson are not specific on the plans and they are critical to the shape the keels on will take. The plans show where the planks lie but not length or degree of cut. Any guidance here, “please”.

    • Stewart Lee says:

      Replies to questions seem to be few and far between around here. I’m no expert *at all*, so I’ll give it my best shot. Just take what I say with a shaker full of salt. My only credentials are that I’ve been volunteering at the Buffalo Maritime Center for about three years. I’ve been helping to build/ restore a few small boats, like Buffalo Harbor Ferries and a No Man’s Land.

      I got my Caledonia Yawl plans (four strake) about two weeks ago, and the stem length confused me, too.
      It seems to me that the stems should be as long as possible before mating with the keel. I think I’m going to do my best to copy what is shown in these videos. I agree with you, though- a little line on the plans would be a lot of help.
      As for the cut angle… Well, my plan is to make it fairly low so I can get as much epoxy in the joint as possible.

      Anyone else care to chime in?

  • Weaver Lilley says:

    Really enjoying the excellent series. Looking forward to building next year.

  • Stephen West says:

    Small error….it says continued in part 9 and should say part 11


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