Preview: How to Build a Caledonia Yawl, Part 12 – Fairing the Keelson

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Fairing the keelson with a power plane calls for precision.  Get it right and the garboard planks kiss the keelson all the way down the length of the boat and present optimal gluing surfaces.

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4 Responses So Far to “How to Build a Caledonia Yawl, Part 12 – Fairing the Keelson

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    Mark Steffens says:

    Love the videos. Also especially like that there is no music in the intro or anywhere…the audio is nice also hearing the sound of the woodworking or water lapping against the boats, etc. Well done.

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    Michael Seibert says:

    Can’t say enough about how great these videos are! The one on beveling the stem inspired me to immediately get a power planer for the same job on my wooden Lightning build. It will undoubtedly save my ancient arms and elbows thousands of planing strokes on my build. Please keep the boat building instructional videos coming! They are educational and inspirational. Mike Seibert, Barre, VT – Future Skipper – Lightning # 15451

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    terry finley says:

    These videos are great!
    Just as a side comment- in fairing off my keelson to match the desired angle between stations, I clamped a lining batten across the stations, and up against the keelson sides. Then, I marked along the length of the keelson with a pencil at the bottom of the batten between the stations. This gives you a very accurate line to follow along that edge.


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