Preview: How to Build a Caledonia Yawl, Part 13 – Mounting the Floor Timbers

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Mounting the floor timbers completes the boat’s backbone and must be done correctly to assure a smooth landing for the planking.

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3 Responses So Far to “How to Build a Caledonia Yawl, Part 13 – Mounting the Floor Timbers

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    Jaren Peterson says:

    I love the idea of mounting the floor timbers before planking. Looking at the plans though it appears to me that all the floor timbers other than the one at station 3 go right where the molds are currently sitting on my build. Jeff, did you just shift them to the other side of the station line in those cases? Or did the exact placement of the floor timbers change in the 7 strake version?

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      Geoff Kerr says:

      There is likely to be a bit of interpretation necessary when mounting the floors on the molds. Tradition is to build molds to the lines and mount them on the downhill side of the station to allow bevelling. Some builders will streamline this step and mount the molds on the uphill side and use one edge as the true station and not bevel the molds. Whatever the case it is obviously important that you understand the relationship and the potential bevels as you cut and mount the floors. I have taken a builder’s liberty and decided that the either side of the station is probably close enough for the floors, and mounted them such that I can cut the true shape and then bevel as needed. As I recall, the only floor timber that ties into anything else is the one at the aft end of the CB case. Even if that one ends up a mold- width off station I imagine a builder could invent a spacer block pretty quickly later on when installing the case..

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    Lee Fox says:

    Thanks for another great video on building a Caledonia Yawl !


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