Preview: How to Build a Wooden Boat – AROHA, Part 25: Trim Details

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Eric talks through trim details and how trim can accentuates the lines of Aroha.

With the trim and final details nearly complete, we’ll get the finished boat out on the water for one final wrap-up video for this series. From this point in the process, the boat was whisked off to the paint/finish booth. The painting/finish process was beyond the scope of this boatbuilding series and not accessible amid a Covid outbreak at the boatyard. She was trailered up and sent straight off to the owner in Newport, RI, but we caught her sea trials and we jumped aboard our photo boat and chased her down to the Benjamin River to get some lovely running shots for all to enjoy, so those will be included in the final episode.

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9 Responses So Far to “How to Build a Wooden Boat – AROHA, Part 25: Trim Details

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    Philip Prather says:

    I’m dying to see the final episode of this boat on the water!

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    Dave Mitchell says:

    I have really enjoyed this series, but it’s a long time between drinks! When are we going to see launching and sea trials?

    • Steve Stone

      Steve Stone says:

      Thanks Dave. We finally figured out how to shape the final video a few days ago, so we’ll be putting it together over the next month and with a bit of luck we’ll release it before Christmas.

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        Gary Marshall says:

        Must be very close to the before Christmas release date of the final episode by now. Just asking for a friend. lol

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    Christian Girardet says:

    Do you guys have a good idea at this stage how man hours are required when building from the kit?

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    Kim Alter says:

    I love this boat , its a thing of beauty . When i win the big one i will have you build me one , keep up the good work .

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    Ed Altonji says:

    The depth of experience and knowledge from Eric and team on this build has been awe inspiring to watch. So many subtle but important details that make a boat into so much more. I’m quite proud of my boat build and am comfortable knowing I’m in a different league but equally eager to try and apply some of these lessons to the next one. I think we’re all looking forward to seeing her launch with a little sadness in the knowing the journey you’ve taken us on has come to its conclusion.

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    Julian Kuffler says:


    Very nice description of the details that finish off a boat. The more you describe, the closer the Aroha gets to completion, the more I dream.




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