Preview: How to Build The Off Center Skiff, Part 16 – Outer Stem + Sanding and Priming the Hull

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The kids put in some elbow grease with sandpaper and paintbrushes.

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4 Responses So Far to “How to Build The Off Center Skiff, Part 16 – Outer Stem + Sanding and Priming the Hull

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    Lou Kimball says:

    Hey guys- what’s the primer you are using? Will any primer do? Like exterior KILZ?

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    Peter Hendrickson says:

    OK, now I get fairing with a much longer abrasive block than I’ve been using on my kit boats. Thanks. And, I have several grandchildren who love participating in the building…

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    Donald Jones says:

    I’ve been watching Louis Sauzedde build the total boat skiff for Jamestown Distributors and he say not to caulk the bottom, but let the wood swell up on its own in the water. I had always heard, in making flat iron skiffs, that the wood swells up to seal the bottom also. I guess there is two schools of thought in this, or is it do too the lesser scantlings in this boat?

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    Peter Buck says:

    I have looked forward to each one of this series. It’s great watching the kids, and I’m learning alot. And I have a grandson….


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