Preview: How To Use A Handsaw, Square & Bevel Crosscuts

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In an era of loud, whirring machines, Harry takes us back to the simplicity and precision of the crosscut saw as he shows us how to use a handsaw to cut a compound bevel.

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17 Responses So Far to “How To Use A Handsaw, Square & Bevel Crosscuts

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    Steve Branam says:

    I’m pretty confident with a crosscut saw, but he really hooked me with the compound cut! I’ll be sure to add this to the repertoire of methods I show other people.

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    Steve Buck says:

    Just finished a small garage project with 2×4 stock. I had my circular saw in hand ready to blast away, but thought; “I have a nice sharp hand saw hanging up right there. I should try Harry Bryan’s cutting lesson.” Sure enough, I made the straightest and squarest hand saw cuts ever. Thank you Mr. Bryan for sharing this cutting tip.

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    John clements says:

    Best 8 minutes I’ve spent today, probably.

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    Daniel Jones says:

    Good video. Thanks for lending us your experience and knowledge. I often use my hand saw. It’s fast, accurate and quiet. Keeping it sharp is very important, if not the most important thing.

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    Scott Sampson says:

    Thanks! Simple things still need a great tutorial. I’ve done a lot of cabinet and repair work as a non-professional…learning most by trial an error. The apprentice style training provided by this video is great and I wished I had this training many years ago.

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    Dick Vilamil says:

    Glad to hear that he used the skills learned in high school shop class – why don’t they still teach this important “life skill” class in schools anymore?

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      Daniel Jones says:

      I agree with you regarding the benefits of shop classes in high school. I learned a lot of lessons in those classes.

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    Dirk Faegre says:

    Watched it once to see Harry’s technique. Then again to look around his shop to see what I could see. I’d sure like to know what that is that’s hanging from his sawhorse under where he’s cutting. ???
    No shop is ‘right’ without a good comfortable contemplation chair for cogitation. Good to see Harry’s rocking chair (with cushion). Nice.

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    George Palacios says:

    I have a terrific saw, now, I know how to use it properly, thank you Harry!!

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    Denis Noble says:

    Well, there you are! I’ve been working in wood, in an amateur way, for maybe fifty or sixty years, and today I’ve learnt that. Thankyou!

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    Alan L. Van Reese says:

    “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.”~ Sam Foose

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    Harry Hammond says:

    I don’t know of anyone who embodies the simple basic spirit, skills, and accuracy of productive woodworking more than this man does. His contributions to WoodenBoat mag, and his lovely and utlimately practical boats illustrate this to the max. Always a joy to see his work in the magazine and at Mystic each year.

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    Patrick Daniels says:

    Harry’s badass! Always nice to be reminded just how much i have to learn!


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