Preview: Outboard Powerboat Handling, Part 2 – Approaching Another Boat

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September 18, 2014

Coming alongside another vessel with complete control makes boat handling a pleasure.

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8 Responses So Far to “Outboard Powerboat Handling, Part 2 – Approaching Another Boat

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    Kit Laughlin says:

    I discovered this technique by accident: a while ago, we had 30+kn winds when I was heading out to my moored boat, and I leave my RIB in the Marine Rescue pen in the creek here—facing that 30kn (gusting to 35+kn) wind. When I tried to leave my usual way (fending off the dock to face into the wind) I was caught and the wind spend me around in instants. As soon as I saw this, I engaged reverse and was able to back out away from the dock with complete control against that wind. That change my thinking about how to manoeuvre an outboard boat immediately. I have stuck with this since then.

    The short perspective: going in, or out against current or wind, stern ahead gives complete control. Thanks for this video.

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      Kit Laughlin says:

      I meant, “the wind spun me around”. Blame dictation!

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    Richard Sandy says:

    Family moved to White Sound in 1962. Folks had a 20 footer built in Man O War laid out pretty closely to “Abaco”. One of the most sea-kindly run a bouts I’ve ever experienced. Many a 55 gallon drum of diesel fuel was loaded in the body of the boat to feed our hungry generator. I was also fortunate to have a Man O War built sailing dinghy. Another sea kindly boat. I was too young to appreciate the classics they would become. Approaching another boat in reverse was an eye opener . The thought had never occurred. I’ll be practicing the concept the next time I’m out on the water. Thanks for illustrating such a useful technique.

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    Bill Saunders says:

    I enjoy the Off Center Harbor videos very much. In the Outboard Powerboat Handling Part 2 video, the first boat that Benjamin demonstrates approaching is a nice little inboard launch. By the look of the frames, it appears to be a version of a flat-bottom skiff. Can you tell me more about that boat, such as who her designer was and which design she is?

    Thank you,


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      Ben Mendlowitz says:

      Hi Bill,

      Here are the details on the inboard launch:

      Shanti Data is a John Atkin Seabright Skiff design called the Happy Clam. It was published in Popular Mechanics as a build at home project. I have enclosed a link to the design on the Atkin Website.

      Regards, Ben

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        Bill Saunders says:


        Thank you very much for providing the information on the inboard launch.


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    John Hughes says:

    Nice idea. Not the ideal solution in a lumpy, windy anchorage, though: the powerboat stern pitching up and down is probably a bigger risk than a side-to-side meeting. Alternatively, one CAN spend a moment or two rigging the necessary fenders.

    I’d love to see a video about how to approach a boat in a river-anchorage where there’s a wind-against-tide situation, and some boats are weathervaned into the wind (mostly fin keels and powerboats), others into the tide (full-keel sailboats) and some are pinned halfway (cutaway full keels). The additional load of a powerboat tied to the larger boat can alter the balance in either direction, in sometimes surprising ways. My general rule: approach the down-current side, if there is one, esp. if the boat you’re operating has a bit of a keel.

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    Dale Niemann says:

    We called them Necker Knobs when I was a kid. You could drive with one hand around your girlfriend and steer with the other on the knob.

    I have one on my B&B Marissa ‘Salty’ and like it.


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