Preview: Outfitting for Cold Weather Camp Cruising with Tom Jackson

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Tips and techniques by Tom Jackson for the shoulder-season camp cruiser will make the rest of the family want to go out with you again.

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14 Responses So Far to “Outfitting for Cold Weather Camp Cruising with Tom Jackson

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    John Wujack says:

    For small boat enthusiasts especially but for anyone that enjoys outdoor recreation, The 100 Degree Rule is worth remembering. If the combined water and air temperature is less than 100 degrees you are potentially exposing yourself to an extreme health hazard. For boaters in coastal New England or the Pacific Northwest, those conditions are more common than not, For those that enjoy distancing themselves from the crowds and immediate assistance, the importance of recognizing and preparing for the risk(s) increases.

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    Barry Sherwood says:

    really appreciate this information Tom – not at this level of sailing yet but hope to be – saw the bag you keep your chart and trip information in – can you tell me where such a bag can be purchased – thks again

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    Chris Noto says:

    I just clicked through the 5/10/18 members email to this excellent video. There’s a lot of meaty detail here and a very direct, simple, friendly presentation.

    As a Phil Bolger fan and builder, I can’t help but notice that Mr. Jackson’s “dinghy” seems to be Bolger’s “ticket to heaven,” the Gloucester Gull Dory. The first thing that caught my eye was the characteristic center frame that Bolger used in his plywood boats. The second thing was the distractingly lovely shape of the dory, seen over Tom’s shoulder as he talks, from about 3:20″ on.

    Always a pleasure to visit OCH. You’ve made my day yet again. Many thanks.

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    Brrrr! Thanks for the tips, Tom! This would be a great talk in Tasmania February 2019 for Australian Wooden Boat Festival. Of course, any excuse to go to Taz in Feb;)

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      Ian Stewart says:

      It’s summer in Australia in February, but Tasmania is the coolest state, so expect minimum temperatures of about 45 deg. F. Most times it will be 65-75 deg. F

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    Chip Campbell says:

    Great video, thanks. I would add to list a small solar charger for your cell phone or a power block. Question: what items exactly do you carry in your hypothermia bag? You mention Merino wool…

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    Curt Bowman says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed this video. I have been a traditional small craft single-handed expedition sailor for over 35 years and appreciate the knowledge that Tom shared. One can’t help learning from a video like this.

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    Vance Scott says:

    So glad I joined up with quality info such as this.
    Thanks Tom for sharing your setup.
    I am building a boat of similar length so this helps with setting up my own yacht.

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    Steve Cormack says:

    Thanks a lot Tom. Next time can you take us along to Buckle Island for the ride. Looks like we’re all set to go!!!

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    Clint Chase says:

    This is excellent. As summer winds down and Fall looms, it is helpful to be reminded of safety!

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    George D. Jepson says:

    These are terrific hands-on tips (and reminders) for anyone camp cruising in small boats.


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