Preview: Slow August – Lost In the Moment

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Eric’s son Asa is four. Oh, the simple pleasures found in the here and now.

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13 Responses So Far to “Slow August – Lost In the Moment

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    Vincent J mockensturm says:

    The innocents, the freedom, the feel of the water. The Father by his side……..

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    Joe Parker says:

    Thanks Eric, that brought a huge smile to my face this evening. I miss my little boy (he is now 31) but remembering the times we shared like that make growing older a pleasure

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    Bruce Brown says:

    No matter how much they’re havin’, they always ask “When are we going to be there?”

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    Gerard Emery says:

    I love that no one said stop dont drink the water. He’ll probably be designing hydrofoils later in life. Great video thanks for sharing

  • Nate Rooks

    Nate Rooks says:

    Asa’s kind of an ace up the sleeve, but this has to be my favorite Slow August. What sweet moments.

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    William English says:

    I could almost feel the water….Oh, to be a kid again! Wonderful!

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    Chris Shields says:

    Thanks for sharing a young boy’s curiosity, discovery, and play on the water. Visual serendipity. Time to take my grandkids out and share the joy of messing around on a boat.

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    Todd Waffner says:

    Nice film. First response- TASTE IT! Same response my 3 yo. would have! ‘Been taking our 3 yo. and 6 yo. out in our Caledonia on Puget Sound this summer… they can finally go for a couple hours before pronouncing “all done.” And lucky enough to spend some time in Brooksville this summer as well- what a lovely spot. Wishing I could bring my boat on the airplane.

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    Paul Slowick says:

    If a picture is worth a thousand words, this video is priceless! Sail on!

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    Ken Weinstein says:

    Thank you for this! As I begin my 27th year teaching, I am happy to be reminded to live in the here and now.

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    chip puhl says:

    Asa, you are all ready THERE !
    Thanks Eric for sharing and masterful sound and video editing.


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