Preview: Slow August – Summer Rain

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Welcome to Slow August 2022. “Sticking it out” during the less pleasant moments is a common theme in our voyaging.

As an unexpected spring-time thunderhead arose, we ducked into the closest protected cove and took cover ashore. What appeared at first to be a ruined afternoon sail, turned into a light passing shower so delightful that we got in a nap and a surprise ending. Thanks/apologies to the land owner, who had not yet arrived for the season, but nonetheless helped us in a moment of need for safety ashore.

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11 Responses So Far to “Slow August – Summer Rain

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    Alan Taylor says:

    I poured a cup, sat back, took a breath and watched.
    keep em coming!

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    Hugh Groth says:

    Slow is the right idea, but can’t seem to do it. Working on a new lightweight canoe, eager get in the water. But it’s hot. Time to be slow. Maybe next month.

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    Bruce Ringrose says:

    Best rainbow I’ve ever seen! Can’t beat Aug on the Maine coast!

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    Alan Scott says:

    Beautiful video, graphics and message.
    One to watch when you’re stressed &


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