Preview: Soul Surfing – A Champion Kayaker Comes Home

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OCH staffer Dustin Urban shows us a hint of why he is a world champion freestyle kayaker.

NOTE FROM THE FILMMAKER: Dustin grabbed this old boat out of the shed at his mom’s house, so he’s pretty limited on the moves he was able to do for us with this boat. If you’d like to see the moves that Dustin is really capable of on the water… check out the video below of the ride that got him 2nd place at this year’s GoPro Mountain Games in Vail (an event that he’s won 5 times). Steve

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12 Responses So Far to “Soul Surfing – A Champion Kayaker Comes Home

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    Neil Moomey says:

    Cool video but I’m not sure a wood paddle qualifies on a woodenboat website. I kept waiting for the wood version.

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      Maynard Bray says:

      Hi Neil,
      Since OffCenterHarbor is an entirely independent operation from WoodenBoat Publications, we aren’t limited by hull material. We always want the boats we feature to be good ones, but they don’t necessarily have to be made of wood. Check out our Sockdolager video, for example.
      The OCH Crew

    • Steve Stone

      Steve Stone says:

      OCH members, grab a hand rail if you’re a wooden boat purist, because we’re going to stray beyond wooden hulls occasionally when we see a good story or something valuable to learn.

      In this case, we wanted to give OCH members the chance to get to know a member of our staff/crew, and also show a remarkable family story … mainly that it’s still possible to build a lifestyle around nature and the water — a feat that seems more difficult each year in today’s all-too-busy world of city living.

      Thanks for opening the “wood only” discussion Neil… obviously we all have a passion and preference for well-designed wooden boats, but we also see stories that involve good boats of other materials, so we feel compelled to stray beyond our own biases to bring OCH members good stuff when we see it.

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    Ed Vickery says:

    Great videos. Would be great to see a video of making and riding Grain Wooden Surfboards.
    They are so beautiful.

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      Dustin Urban says:

      thanks for the suggestions of a Grain video, guys! I too have always admired their beautiful boards and would love the opportunity to ride one. I can’t make any promises, but know that we have kicked the idea around more than once, and your feedback will come to mind next time we discuss Grain Surfboards…

      • Steve Stone

        Steve Stone says:

        Good guys, those Grain boys. I stopped by their shop last year. What a cool place. Someday hopefully we’ll connect with them for a piece. That was the idea behind the scouting visit.

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    Doug Wood says:

    That was a blast to watch! In fact, it was mesmerizing. Dustin makes those moves look effortless, and we all know they’re not. Superb!

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    Hank Kennedy says:

    I love it! Wish I could do it, but at 71 I think I ‘ll have to pass this time around.

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    Max Culpepper says:

    It seems impossible to do these things in a boat. I’ll stick to sailing!

    Max Culpepper


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