Preview: Stepping Into the Unknown, Fly Fishing for a New Life in Tasmania

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CAUTION: This video may be hazardous to your regular life. It features a couple who sold everything to go fly fishing in Tasmania. Results may vary according to viewer.

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10 Responses So Far to “Stepping Into the Unknown, Fly Fishing for a New Life in Tasmania

  • Steve Stone

    Steve Stone says:

    We’ll give a free gift membership to the first person who guesses which shot in this film was taken with the iPhone. It’s my favorite shot in the film. Just reply with the time (m:ss). JAMES JONES WINS. SEE BELOW.

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      Judie Romeo says:

      There are so many lovely and/or arresting shots in this film that it is difficult to make just one guess (and you didn’t say we are limited to just one!) so here’s my list: 1:38, 1:48, 2:02, 2:05, 2:28, 3:10 and 3:35. Even if I don’t win, it was good for my soul to spend half an hour looking at the film. Must have been fun shooting it.

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      James Jones says:

      No earthly idea. I guess that means iPhones shoot pretty darn good video. OK, wild-*** guess: 6:00. (Nice shot, regardless. :)

      • Steve Stone

        Steve Stone says:

        You win, James. Free gift membership for you or a friend. Good call. That’s the shot. Amazing how good the iPhone 6 video is in certain conditions. I saw/heard those geese coming on the horizon — Peter was rowing and Karen was casting. Everything clicked.

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    Jerry Rose says:

    Steve, I can’t tell you how impressed I am with the quality of this video. I know the place and the people help this be a beautiful video but you have a true feeling for capturing the essence. You are very, very good at what you do. My hat is off to you!

    • Steve Stone

      Steve Stone says:

      That’s a big compliment coming from you, Jerry. Thank you. Definitely in the zone on this one. As you know, great subjects make it easy. The scenery, the boats, and especially Peter and Karen.

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    Larry Cheek says:

    Intriguing boat, interesting people, beautiful videography.


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