Stitching Oar Leathers

From the placement of oar leathers on the shaft, to the stitching technique, to attaching the button, see the entire process of dressing your oars for a life on the water.

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15 Responses So Far to “Stitching Oar Leathers

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    MacCarrick Drake says:

    What is the spacing of the holes? The punch looks like an eight tine punch with the even number tines broken off. What brand is it? Thanks

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    Dwight Jacobson says:

    I can see I left a comment in 2015, but here in 2024 I was just about to use the same exact language I used back then. This was a nice demo of how well this young fellow does his job, but it isn’t of much instructional value. He’s moving too fast and the camera isn’t positioned well enough to document the moves. I’d suggest a revision of this if the intent is to be helpful to the community.

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    Lannis Morris says:

    I think I remember a video from havilah Hawkins and one from Maynard bray where both of thos geniuses said don’t leather an oar. I’m going to look back and if I’m right, there wil be no leather on my oars. I know the S&T oars are too pretty to scuff up but I think the gods from Maine might know something we average ones don’t🤪

    • Steve Stone

      Steve Stone says:

      Hey Lannis. Havilah and Maynard both use Ash oars, so they are much harder wood and can handle no leathers. I believe that they might have crafted their own ash oars. The softer spruce oars definitely need leathers. I believe that Maynard “oils” his oarlocks with beeswax for a silky smooth and quiet stroke. You can ask Shaw & Tenney if they make any ash oars, and I bet Wes Reddick at Rowers’ Oars can handle that.

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    Perigrine Barone says:

    Good video, watched a few times, took notes & installed leathers on oars for a John Welsford Balance Lug plywood dinghy in Australia, pleased with result

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    Dennis Cartwright says:

    Great video. Keep the contact cement to a minimum or not at all unless you’re a pro.I had trouble getting the leather stretched because I used too much cement. Fingerless gloves are also a big help, just like on the video. Pretty clumsy with fingers on gloves.

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    Dwight Jacobson says:

    It would have been nice if the guy slowed down a bit to illuminate the process instead of basically demonstrating his mastery of the technique. If I had to duplicate the process based on what was offered I would be hard pressed without a few more viewings.

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    Vance Scott says:

    Lovely work.
    To see the artistry of these tradesman in your videos is a pleasure and an education.

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    Tom Burns says:

    How about adding a video covering the other alternative – applying the leather to the oar lock?

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    Chad Brown says:

    Wow, when I installed leathers on a set of oars a few years back for our little Puffin dinghy, they sure did not come out like that!

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    Patrick Walker says:

    There is as much information in the silent sections watching him work as there is from the lecture. Lots of little movements with the needle that warrant review and replication. This was fascinating. – pjw

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      Vance Scott says:

      Lovely work.
      To see the artistry of these tradesman in your videos is a pleasure and an education.

See where all the magic happens at Shaw & Tenney

Also see our oar making video made at Shaw & Tenney


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