Preview: Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific, Part 12 – LAND HO!!

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Land Ho! At last…


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11 Responses So Far to “Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific, Part 12 – LAND HO!!

  • Heidi Roy

    Heidi Roy says:

    Congratulations Tom, You have accomplished what you set out to do…….so happy for you .

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    James Harris says:

    My eyes welled up listening to the joy in his voice. What an inspiration!

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    Andrew Wiling says:

    Congratulations Tom another step in an epic adventure.!!👍🌴😃

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    Skip Leinau says:

    What a glorious moment! My eyes tears up a bit just experiencing his joy & excitement. Way to go Tom Robinson. You’ve inspired many with renewed hope in their dream & the truth to never, never give up. Thanks OCH Crew Tom Robinson.

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    Alex Zimmerman says:

    He will never another moment quite like this, arriving at his first landfall after his first ocean crossing by a rowboat he built himself.
    I’m so glad he is able to share it with us.

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    Burke Horner says:

    This is a true “Pilgrim’s Progress”, watching Tom and his excitement at arriving on the island. Fantastic video!

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    Charles Neuman says:

    I like how he got held up at customs! At least he didn’t have to wait in line.

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    Kevin Brennan says:

    And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is “joy” defined.


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