Preview: Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific, Part 1 – Overview

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This is a video created by filmmaker Abir Tarafdar in Tom’s home town of Brisbane, Australia. Thanks to Abir for letting us put it up on Off Center Harbor for members. And thanks for letting us follow your journey so closely, Tom.

P.S. Check out the “Related Video” down below with Wayne Roberts – that is Tom’s favorite OCH video.


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18 Responses So Far to “Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific, Part 1 – Overview

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    Anthony Aman says:

    Gofundme gets 3.9% plus $0.30 on each transaction. Less than your daily latte on a $100.00 gift. Just do it and drink a glass of pure water instead for one day. But definitely not Nestle or Poland Spring!

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    Suzanne Knecht says:

    Tom –
    Wishing you fair winds and soft seas, and that particular beauty that you can only find at sea.
    As well as a great adventure full of happy surprises!
    Bon voyage –

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    Mary Anne says:

    We wish you fair winds and a safe and wonderful journey.
    Mary Anne Pidgeon

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    Gary Magwood says:

    I will enjoy your voyage vicariously. Your self-built boat looks like a very seaworthy craft and will serve you well…

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    Charles Aiken says:

    Tom I am 82 years old and I hope to still be around to read of your goal to complete this heroic voyage! May God be with you. Chuck Aiken PA, USA.

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    Raymond Michalowski says:

    It is said that the safest boat is a corked bottle, You’ve gone one better, you’ve made a corked bottle that is truly beautiful.While my ocean days may be behind me, my sprit will certainly follow you along the way. Best wishes for a fine trades, a following sea and a great journey.

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      Trisha McElroy says:

      You have a bright future, to spend so much time with nature and Mother ocean will be something that will define your future. I will send some $$ your way but I don’t like gofundme because they take SOOMUCH of it I’d rather send it to you directly.

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    Good luck! It will be fun to follow you across the ocean!

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    George Yarbrough says:

    Kindly consider minimizing the background music. It is not needed to tell this fascinating story!

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    Ralph Bell says:

    Good Luck on your journey. I will enjoy following your venture.

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    Nicholas Theuma says:

    Safe passage Tom !! Wow. What an undertaking.

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    Anthony Menkel says:

    I look forward to seeing your adventure. God speed
    Anthony Menkel Italy

  • Suzan Wallace

    Suzan Wallace says:

    What a challenging rite-of-passage voyage for a young man passionate about boats. Having designed & built his vessel as well, a testament of his character~
    Safe passage Tom!!


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