Preview: Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific, Part 9 – 40 Days & 40 Nights

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As the current pushes him northward above his ideal course, things get complicated for Tom in terms food and where he will next make landfall.


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3 Responses So Far to “Tom Robinson’s Solo Row Across the Pacific, Part 9 – 40 Days & 40 Nights

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    Bruce Stannard says:

    No one, sitting at home, surrounded by comforts and security, can have any doubt that we are witnessing a truly astonishing moment in this epic solo trans-Pacific voyage as Tom realises, for the first time, just what a perilous position he has put himself into. Knowing that he did make it south to Penrhyn Atoll does not lessen the drama. Tom’s face says it all. He is at his wit’s end and is already beginning to contemplate the unthinkable: chucking it all in and calling for help: neither of which he wants. As one who encouraged him to embark upon this voyage, I feel a profound sense of guilt (and now relief) watching this story unfold. I greatly admire Tom Robinson’s courage and his sheer determination. He has all the qualities that I lack.

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    Andy Bullock says:

    Although we now know that Tom successfully made it to Penrhyn Island, the film brings home the anguish he felt as the original closer destination of the Marquesas Islands slowly becomes untenable.

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    Richard Holliday says:

    I’m thoroughly enjoying this account by and of this unsupressable lad. Dick Holliday


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