Preview: Traditional Rigging, Part 1 – Whipping a Rope
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May 26, 2016
Email this Video to a FriendIn part 1 of our Traditional Rigging Series, master rigger Myles Thurlow walks us through whipping a rope end to finish and protect the line from unraveling.
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12 Responses So Far to “Traditional Rigging, Part 1 – Whipping a Rope”

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Keith Pullin says:
Some people listen to opera, some people watch ballet, this is kind of craftsman that I like to watch listen and learn from. Thank-you, cheers Keith. ( UK )
Jeff Butler says:
Well, I just signed up for the free 14 day offer. Started watching the rigging videos. I can’t say enough about the quality of both the info and the production. I’ve guided and taught traditional bush skills here in New Brunswick for 20 years. I love teaching folks about wood, old tools and rope work, and what I’ve seen on the Off Centre Harbour site has be amazing. Hope all the content is as topnotch as what I’ve seen so far with Myles Thurlow. Keep it coming everyone. Thanks. Jeff Butler.
Mal Botterill says:
How does a whipping go on modern braided ropes?
Myles Thurlow says:
I use the same technique shown here but just estimate 1/3s for the crossing turns as I think this looks fairly good. You could also do a snaked whipping as shown in “The Arts of the Sailor”
Konstantinos Lekkas says:
Oh Man!!!! So happy that you are making this series!!!
John Florance says:
Couldn’t have been better timing. I’m getting close to launching my Welsford Navigator, which I have decided to rig up as traditionally as my (meagre) skills allow. Thanks for the series, now post the rest of them!! :)
James Cornwell says:
Why are wrapping turns against the lay? Seems counterintuitive – but I’m sure there’s a reason!
Myles Thurlow says:
This way as you put on the turns, you are unlaying the rope slightly and so when you are done, the rope naturally wants to tighten up under the whipping.
Ken Sloan says:
Great. Good to get back to the basics! Looking forward to more.
David Tew says:
Wonderful. One of the most satisfying things to do with line ends.
Peter Brackenbury says:
Very excited about this series!
Burton Blais says:
Thank you for demystifying this beatiful style of whipping.