Preview: Wood Storage For Boat Building – Cedar & Oak – with Harry Bryan

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In Part I of our wood storage for boat building series, Harry Bryan shows us how he stores cedar and oak, two of his favorite boat building woods. He uses two very different approaches for these two very different types of wood and explains why.

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3 Responses So Far to “Wood Storage For Boat Building – Cedar & Oak – with Harry Bryan

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    Dan Schafer says:

    Oh that hole in your wall is very cleaver…Is there so sort of automatic door? Could you post or vidio a bit on that and any other Neat things in your shop? I’ll like to see more on shops that woodworking folks do and use, technique’s and such….
    Dan Schafer

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    Dan Schafer says:

    Very interesting and smart, standing as it has… Cedar almost weather proof. Oak is good too but!


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