Boatbuilder, Two Daughters Boatworks
Geoff Kerr does business as Two Daughters Boatworks in Westford, Vermont, on New England’s “west coast.” His interest in boats began at age 16 with a Hurricane Island Outward Bound School course and continued as a Coast Guard officer. Geoff learned the trade later from Joe Youcha at the Alexandria Seaport Foundation, where he served as shop foreman and instructor in that dynamic environment. In his present, one-man, full-service Vermont shop, Geoff does small-craft repairs and restorations, as well as new construction, specializing in Iain Oughtred’s Caledonia Yawl. He has been affiliated with Chesapeake Light Craft since the company’s infancy, and is a licensed builder of their many designs, as well as an authorized and experienced instructor.